Your Data Powerhouse

Identity, Curation, Activation

Programmatic Success in a Cookieless World

Maximize Audience Value with Privacy-First Monetization. 360Monetize's data platform and global reach unlock addressability for brands, agencies, and premium publishers in a cookieless future.

AI-Powered Audience Intelligence Platform

Data Activation & Insights Platform

Secure Data Collaboration Platform

Data-Driven Deals for Superior Campaign Performance

Unlock the full potential of your campaigns with our data-driven platform. Curated deals, optimized supply paths, and precision targeting drive superior performance at transparent pricing.

Precision Targeting

Curated deals tap into a wealth of first-party, contextual, and cognitive data, maximizing audience insights.

Streamlined Supply Path

Optimize curated inventory from both supply-side (SSP) and demand-side (DSP) for unprecedented alignment and efficiency.

Proven Results

Data-rich targeting and supply path optimization demonstrably boost campaign performance.

Cost Transparency

PMP pricing eliminates bid shading and complex auction dynamics, offering clarity through bid floors and curation fees.

Shaping the Future of Curation

360monetize leads the way in data-driven programmatic advertising. Our innovative platform combines privacy-first data curation with unique identity solutions (like SecureMatch) to optimize targeting. We offer First-Party PMPs and IAB-compliant Taxonomy PMPs, maximizing the value of consumer-safe data and premium inventory at scale.

We pioneered the approach of applying first-party, contextual, and cognitive data directly to supply-side curated inventory, driving transformative results in the programmatic landscape

How to Work with Us

For Publishers

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For Advertisers

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Product Highlight

Privacy-First Identity for Enhanced Targeting

SecureMatch revolutionizes programmatic advertising with its advanced privacy-safe audience matching. It combines deterministic and probabilistic signals for precision targeting while respecting user privacy.


SecureMatch seamlessly integrates across publisher and SSP networks, ensuring a consistent, privacy-centric approach.

Cookie-free Targeting

Drive campaign performance, and outcomes at scale without reliance on third-party cookies.

Secure by Design

Secure multi-party computation keeps sensitive data protected within each participant's environment.

Target the right people. Spark engagement. Drive brand growth.