The Publisher's Data Advantage

Achieve omnichannel audience understanding and data-driven revenue growth with our first-party Data Platform.

Privacy Control

Your Privacy Guarantee

We prioritize data security and ethical practices. All user IDs are anonymized, encrypted, and fully compliant with GDPR and CCPA regulations.

Privacy-First Approach

No personally identifiable information (names, emails, addresses) is ever collected.

User Opt-In

All data is obtained with clear user consent.

Industry Leadership

We set high standards for responsible data use within the industry.

360° Collaboration

Key to Post-Cookie Success

In a world without third-party cookies, publishers need new solutions to maintain addressability and drive revenue. Data collaboration empowers publishers to:

Enrich Audience Understanding

Combine first-party data with trusted partners to create richer audience segments.

Improve PMP Targeting

Deliver highly targeted inventory through PMPs, maximizing value for advertisers.

Maintain Privacy

Collaborate without compromising user privacy through secure data- sharing techniques.

Increase Advertiser Demand

Attract top advertisers seeking quality audiences in a privacy-compliant way.

360° Monetize

Expand Your Reach and Revenue with 360° Monetize

Unlock untapped demand and maximize the value of your audience by connecting with premium buyer platforms through 360° Monetize. Our solution offers wider reach and precision targeting for improved yields and higher quality leads.

Expand Your Advertiser Pool

Gain access to a diverse range of buyers eager to reach your unique audience segments.

Optimize Audience Value

Leverage precision targeting capabilities to connect the right advertisers with the right audiences, maximizing the value of each impression.

Drive Higher Yields

Increased competition and better targeting result in stronger bids and improved revenue streams.

Uncover Quality Leads

Attract top-tier advertisers and generate higher-quality sales leads for your business.

360° Contextual

Precision Targeting, Stronger Signals

Adopting the IAB Tech Lab's standardized Contextual Taxonomy helps publishers

Clearly Define Audiences

Use consistent terminology to describe content and audience segments for better advertiser understanding.

Maximize Signal Strength

Reduce signal loss during data transmission, making your inventory more valuable in a privacy-focused landscape.

Attract Premium Advertisers

Offer clear, standardized contextual targeting options that top advertisers seek.

Enhance Content Classification

Improve your own internal content understanding and audience segmentation.

360° Integrate

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Target the right people. Spark engagement. Drive brand growth.